The central bank should speed up the rate cuts in order to meet the new government’s goal of 40% GDP growth by 2024,

Friday, September 6, 2019
The central bank should speed up the rate cuts in order to meet the new government’s goal of 40% GDP growth by 2024,

The central bank should speed up the rate cuts in order to meet the new government’s goal of 40% GDP growth by 2024, Bogdan Danylyshyn, council chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine, writes on Facebook. “This is a continuation of the half-measures policy that the NBU has been adhering to for a long time,” the bank advisor complains. To justify faster easing, he cites three factors: the 10% rise of the hryvnia against the dollar this year, low gas import prices and reasonable prices for Ukraine’s commodity exports, and another bumper grain harvest this year.

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