“The banking sector reform has been the most successful reform in Ukraine,”

Wednesday, September 18, 2019
“The banking sector reform has been the most successful reform in Ukraine,”

“The banking sector reform has been the most successful reform in Ukraine,” VoxUkraine, an influential free market economic group, writes in an online petition. “The Privatbank case was the pivotal case of the entire banking sector reform,” Vox said, referring to the Dec. 2016 nationalization of a bank with a $5.5 billion hole in its books left by an ownership group led by Ihor Kolomoisky. “Almost any genuine reform in Ukraine implies stepping on oligarchs’ toes or touching vested interests. The new President and the government have to very clearly show that their primary interest is equal rules for everyone, the well-being of the country and its every citizen, and not of just some influential persons.”

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