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Since the war, Henkel has invested about €1.5M in its Ukrainian factories.

Since the war, Henkel has invested about €1.5M in its Ukrainian factories.

Куди в Україні інвестує "Хенкель Баутехнік"?

According to the President of Henkel Bautechnik (Ukraine), Olena Yefremova-Kursik, the company has invested in the modernization of their production, restoration, digitalization, as well as process automation. These measures have been implemented as part of a sustainable development strategy and to increase employee safety.

Currently, the company is resuming operations at another plant in Ukraine in the Kharkiv region. “After the liberation of the Kyiv region, we started production at our factories in the Kyiv and Lviv regions in April 2022. Another one of our factories, located in the Kharkiv region, is also gradually resuming production after its liberation,” Yefremova-Kursik said.

Another production facility of Henkel Ukraine, which remained on the temporarily occupied territory in the city of Oleshki in the Kherson region, is not working. However, all company employees are receiving their salaries.

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