President Zelenskiy vowed Wednesday to turn Chornobyl into a “growth point” for Ukraine, implying that he will clear bureaucratic hurdles that hold up solar station investment and river-based tourism.

Thursday, July 11, 2019
President Zelenskiy vowed Wednesday to turn Chornobyl into a “growth point” for Ukraine, implying that he will clear bureaucratic hurdles that hold up solar station investment and river-based tourism.

President Zelenskiy vowed Wednesday to turn Chornobyl into a “growth point” for Ukraine, implying that he will clear bureaucratic hurdles that hold up solar station investment and river-based tourism. “Today I’ve signed a decree that will be the beginning of the transformation of the exclusion zone into one of the growth points for new Ukraine,” he said at the handover ceremony for the safe confinement structure for the number 4 nuclear reactor unit at Chornobyl. The €1.5 billion shelter, often called the largest movable land-based structure ever built, was constructed by NOVARKA, a French consortium that included Vinci Construction and Bouygues Travaux Publics.

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