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Oil refining has been stopped completely in Ukraine.

Russia plans to restore operations at the drone-damaged oil refineries by June, but sanctions stand in their way.

Ukraine’s entire oil refining industry has ceased to work due to targeted Russian rocket attacks, said the CEO of Naftogaz, Yuriy Vitrenko. “All oil refining in Ukraine is currently at a halt due to massive, repeated attacks by the aggressor, and it is difficult to provide logistics for oil products on the Ukrainian market, which leads to their shortage,” he said. Also, Vitrenko specified the necessary conditions for Naftogaz to join in solving Ukraine’s fuel problems. “When we get full control of the network of gas stations and when the logistics problems are solved, we can gather the resources to create a national reserve of petroleum products. After that, Naftogaz will be able to join in solving problems in the fuel market and ensure stability, transparency, and fairness in this market,” said the chairman of Naftogaz.

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