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Odesa aims to become the largest logistics center in the Black Sea region.

Український морський коридор запрацював в цілодобовому режимі, найближчим часом відновляться контейнерні перевезення.

The Ukrainian flag flies from the stern of a ship in the Black Sea port of Odessa, Ukraine.

The head of the Odesa military administration, Oleg Kiper, said during the Black Sea Security Forum that because of the inaccessibility of ports in other regions of Ukraine, Odesa has become the sole logistics center, and that currently almost 80% of all cargo moves through the region’s ports. Therefore, the priority tasks are providing air defense and demining the Black Sea water area.

“Despite the sea blockade and enemy shelling, we reached 50% of the pre-war turnover today. Since the beginning of this year, 46 million tons of products have been exported through the ports of Odesa, this is 70% more than last year’s figure”, said Kiper.

At the same time, Odesa Mayor Gennadiy Trukhanov said during the forum: “We aim to become the largest logistics center in the Black Sea basin. Our infrastructure and geopolitical location perfectly meet these criteria”.

He added that before the war a new runaway capable of receiving logistical flights was constructed in Odesa. There is also a convenient railway junction in the city.


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