The Mariupol Commercial Sea Port named the countries to which the largest amounts of cargo were exported in 2021, reported the Port. The largest shipments in 2021 were to the following countries: Italy, 2.69 million tons (+ 19.2% compared to 2020); Turkey, 1.57 million tons (+ 10.68%) and Great Britain, 265 thousand tons (-18.87%). About 100,000 tons were unloaded in the ports of Mexico and Greece. The port shipped 95,000 tons of cargo to France during the year. Belgium completes the top 10 recipients in 2021, 82,000 tons. In total, the Mariupol Port shipped cargo to 30 countries in 2021. Metal products account for the largest share of freight turnover.
Mariupol Port names the top 2021 export destination countries.

Mariupol Sea Port