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Ireland’s Altostrata plans to build a €60 million, 62 MW solar power station

Ireland’s Altostrata plans to build a €60 million, 62 MW solar power station

Ireland’s Altostrata plans to build a €60 million, 62 MW solar power station in the Luhynsky district, near Zhytomyr’s border with Belarus. Since 2011, an Altostrata unit has built 51 MW of solar projects in Belarus. At a recent meeting, Torsten Merkel, a German partner of Altostrata, said the plant would be ready in September and he asked for a reduced land rent for the solar project. According to Zhytomyr Journal, Igor Gunditsch, head of the Zhytomyr Regional Administration, replied that he would cut the rent to 1% — if Altostrata meets the Dec. 31 deadline for commissioning and winning a ‘green’ tariff.

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