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In the first quarter, the profits from large and medium Ukrainian businesses reached ₴319.6B, and the share of unprofitable enterprises decreased to 26.7%.

A US regional fund is offering Ukrainian entrepreneurs a $15,000 grant to scale up their processing businesses, and the EBRD will provide mentoring support to innovative startups.

In the first quarter, the profits from large and medium Ukrainian businesses reached ₴319.6B, and the share of unprofitable enterprises decreased to 26.7%.

According to the State Statistics Service, large and medium-sized enterprises generated a positive financial result before taxation for the first quarter of 2024. It amounted to ₴253.6B, compared to ₴160.6B for the same period in 2023. Profit reached ₴319.6B or a 39.5% increase compared to the corresponding period a year earlier; losses were ₴66B (-3.5%). The share of unprofitable enterprises for January-March 2024 was 26.8% compared to 28.1% in the first quarter of last year. The largest shares of unprofitable enterprises during this period are in the following industries:

  1. temporary accommodation and catering 64.1% (vs. 46.7% for the same period last year)
  2. art, sports, entertainment, and recreation 60% (54.3%)
  3. transactions with real estate 40.7% (39.7%)
  4. transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities 38.6% (37.9%)
  5. agriculture, forestry, and fishing 38.2% (54.1%)


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