Most of Ukraine’s exports went to Poland and China, the State Customs Service reported. In particular, in January-April goods worth $20.3B were imported to Ukraine, and $13.3B were exported. The countries from which the most goods were imported by Ukraine: China with $3.2B, Poland with $2.1B, and Turkey with $1.5B. Ukraine exported the most goods to Poland at $1.9B, Romania at $1.33B, and China at $1.3B.
In the total volume of goods imported in January-April 2023, 69% was accounted for the following categories: machines, equipment, and transport with $5.8B, fuel and energy products with $4.5B, and chemical industry products with $3.8B.
The top three most exported goods from Ukraine included: food products $8.5B, metals and metal products $1.3B, and machines, equipment, and transport $1B.