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How will land prices in Ukraine grow?

Як ФАО підтримує український агросектор: $290 млн допомоги та гранти.

USAID вже залучило $510 млн на підтримку аграріїв України.

The growth in Ukraine’s agricultural land prices over the next five years will be no more than 100%, according to Dmytro Skornyakov, CEO of HarvEast.

“As long as land in Ukraine is a means of production, and not an investment tool, as in other European countries, a 100% increase in its price over the next five years is possible, but not more,” Skornyakov said.

The cost dynamics may accelerate after the war’s end but will stop at $4,000 per hectare.

“If our country does everything possible to ensure that the rights of investors and property rights are fully protected, then demand and prices for agricultural land may change significantly. Land should turn into an investment-attractive and protected asset,” the specialist is convinced.

Today, the price of agricultural land ranges from $500 to $2,500 per hectare. However, in a favorable scenario, in 4-6 years, provided the war ends, Ukraine could catch up with Polish prices in some areas: from $5,000 to $10,000 per hectare.


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