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How has Ukrainians’ material situation changed during the 2.5 years of the war?

How has Ukrainians' material situation changed during the 2.5 years of the war?

According to analysts, in 2021 more than 35% of Ukrainians considered their well-being terrible, 47% rated it as average, and 13.9% called it good. In 2022, 9.6% of citizens were satisfied with their well-being. In 2023, 49.7% of Ukrainians considered their well-being average, 34% of respondents considered themselves poor, and 12% were satisfied with their income.

This year, the trend has persisted: every third person considers themselves poor, and 14% of respondents are happy with their income. In 2021, 9% of respondents said they did not have enough money, even for food. In 2022, their number increased to 13%, and in 2023 to 14%.

This year, 12.9% of respondents complained of lacking money for basic needs. Almost every second family could afford to buy high-priced goods in 2021; in the following years, fewer than 40% of families were able to. Very few Ukrainians do not have to limit their spending – 0.9% in 2021 and 0.6% this year.

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