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How has the Polish border blockade affected international trucking?

The EU allocates €21B to develop Ukrainian infrastructure.

Україна активно працює над запровадженням "промислового безвізу" з ЄС для українських експортерів.

As of February 19, the volume of agricultural products exported over roads amounted to 265,000 tons, compared to 138,000 tons in January and 246,000 tons in December. The largest contributions to total exports were made by sunflower oil and sugar.

An increase in transportation by motor vehicles was observed until a certain time, but later, this indicator began to decrease due to Poland blocking checkpoints. The daily volume of agricultural products passing through the Polish border decreased from 6,000 tons per day at the beginning of February to 1,000 tons per day as of February 19.

Analysts note that traffic at other checkpoints on the border with Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, and Moldova is moving without any disruptions, partially compensating for the decrease in the pace at the Polish border.

Freight rates to the EU have increased due to carriers needing to bypass the border with Poland. Market rates for roadway transportation in different directions are as follows: from the west of Ukraine – center/north of Italy – €125-155 per ton, west of Ukraine – north of Bulgaria – €70-100, west of Ukraine – east of Germany – €100-140, center of Ukraine – south of Romania – €90-120.

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