Five Ukraine agro-businesses – including Kernel and UkrLandFarming — lease more farmland than the government’s planned 0.5% nationwide limit for land ownership, according to the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies. Noting that only 4% of Ukraine’s 41.5 million hectares of farmland can now be bought and sold, Leonid Bershidsky writes in Bloomberg of Zelenskiy’s draft bill for a land market: “This is Europe’s last farmland frontier, and the fight over it is going to be messy.” Economy Minister Timofey Milovanov writes on Facebook: “I call on the entire society to watch who will become landowners. That’s important: It’s not the law that protects, it’s a society that protects.”
Five Ukraine agro-businesses – including Kernel and UkrLandFarming — lease more farmland than the government’s planned 0.5% nationwide limit for land ownership