Dmytro Borysov, the Kyiv restaurant entrepreneur, plans to open 100 ‘fast casual’ restaurants in Kyiv this year

Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Dmytro Borysov, the Kyiv restaurant entrepreneur, plans to open 100 ‘fast casual’ restaurants in Kyiv this year

Dmytro Borysov, the Kyiv restaurant entrepreneur, plans to open 100 ‘fast casual’ restaurants in Kyiv this year, he tells the Kyiv Post. According to his surveys, 70-80% of Kyiv residents eating out want to pay no more than $5.25 per person. One of his big hits, Bilyi Nalyv, on Kreschatyk, charges €1 or 29 UAH per menu item. In the last year, he has taken this successful formula to Kharkiv, Lviv, Lutsk, and Odesa.

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