Also from London,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Also from London,

Also from London, Gabriele Foa, a money manager for Algebris Investments, says Ukraine’s forecast 3% GDP growth could trigger payments. “The market is getting excited for early payments or a bond exchange,” he tells Bloomberg. “The warrants looked favorable already at the time of issuance, but 2019 growth seems to be turning better than expected and the incoming government may support the idea of a buyback.”

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Ukraine’s food exports to the EU were up 50% in May, compared to May 2018

Ukraine’s food exports to the EU were up 50% in May, compared to May 2018

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Monday marks the start of business school for the more than 250 new lawmakers of Zelenskiy’s Servant of the People party.

Monday marks the start of business school for the more than 250 new lawmakers of Zelenskiy’s Servant of the People party.

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