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According to the EBA, 94% of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in Ukraine have suffered losses from the war.

According to the EBA, 94% of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in Ukraine have suffered losses from the war.

What is the biggest obstacle to business in Ukraine?

It is also noted that the number of entrepreneurs estimating business losses of up to $10,000 has decreased from 33% in October to the current 24%. Losses in the $10,000-$50,000 range are already reported by 26%, another 20% in the $50,000-$100,000 range, and 18% more than $100,000.

For 57% of entrepreneurs, the most urgent current problems are the decrease in domestic purchasing power, for 31% a lack of financing and access to credit, for 29% tax pressure. About 28% of businesses complain about the lack of specialists and problems with traveling abroad.

Half of the respondents have employees mobilized to the Armed Forces, whereas 22% are critical to their activities at the firm. Despite the difficulty, 41% of entrepreneurs are working at full capacity, 49% are operating with certain restrictions, and 10% are not working.

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