The Ukrainian hryvnia dropped to fourth place in the list of undervalued world currencies in the updated Big Mac Index. A year ago, it was in sixth place, according to data from The Economist for January 2023. According to the publication, a Big Mac costs UAH 92 ($2.51) in Ukraine, while in the US, it costs $5.36. Thus, the Ukrainian currency rate is undervalued by 53.5% compared to the actual exchange rate of UAH 36.92/$1, and the purchasing power rate should be at UAH 17.16/$1. The most undervalued currencies in the world in January 2023 are the currencies of Egypt, Indonesia, and Taiwan. Overvalued currencies are only the Swiss franc (by 35.4%), the Uruguayan peso (by 27.8%), the Norwegian krone (by 22.9%), the Swedish krone (by 4.8%), and the Danish krone (by 0. 9%).