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A list of 792 ‘small’ state properties has been approved for auction this year

A list of 792 ‘small’ state properties has been approved for auction this year

A list of 792 ‘small’ state properties has been approved for auction this year by the State Property Fund. Each property is valued at less than $9 million. About three quarters appear to be real estate. Vitaly Trubarov, head of the Fund, writes on Facebook that 10 belong to UkrOboronProm. These include: the Sudmash plant in Kherson, the Vinnytsia Aviation Plant, or VIAZ, the Zaporizhia Automobile Repair Plant, and the Nezhinsky Repair Plant for engineering equipment. Also up for sale are: Kievmashservis, Golovinski open-cast mine, properties of Dneprovski Electric Locomotive Plant, and the Pervomaisk hydroelectric power station in northern Mikolaiv.

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